Friday, August 22, 2008

Capsicum Butter Chicken recipe

Capsicum Butter Chicken recipe
1kg chicken1/4kg capsicum6-7 medium sized onions100g butter50g cream1tbsp each of ginger- garlic paste, chilli powder1 cube cheesefinely cut coriandersalt to taste.
Wash chicken pieces well and garnish with ginger-garlic paste. Keep it in a freezer for two hours. Cut onions finely and fry them in butter. When onions becomes brown add marinated chicken to it and add red chilli powder, salt and stir well. Cover the vessel with a shallow plate and pour 1/2 glass of water in a plate. This water will make the chicken tender. After 10 minutes remove the chicken from plate. Add cream and finely cut capsicum and stir chicken. Again cover it with a plate till all the water evaporates. Serve it hot and garnish with cheese and finely cut coriander leaves.


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